Immature Plant Batches: Clones and Seeds; these are identified by a Batch Name, rather than a Metrc tag.
Plants: Needing one Metrc Plant Tag per plant
Packages: This is everything else, such as large lots of Bulk Flower or some pre-packaged edibles; these items need one Metrc Package Tag which represents the whole package
Vegging: In California, Metrc recognizes plants in Veg as Plant Batches. When clones are progressed into Veg, they are still identified as a group by their Immature Plant Batch Name.
Flower: Once you progress your Vegging Plants into Flower, you’ll need to make sure that each Plant has its own Metrc Plant Tag.
Harvest: In California, you are required to weigh the full harvested plant, minus the root ball, and enter the weight of the harvest batch into the system. This will become known as the “original wet weight” where you also have the option to assign the Harvest Batch Name. After Drying, you will also be able to create Packages of material from the harvest batch.
Bulk Inventory: This is where you can see the remaining Packages that have been created from a Harvest Batch.